The 2nd Science & Technology Conference of Mabwell

Release time:Aug 05, 2019

On July 19-20, 2019, Mabwell (Shanghai) Bioscience Co., Ltd., held the 2nd science & technology conference with the theme of “Cohesion and speed define the winner” in Taizhou. The company's scientists gathered together to exchange and summarize research and development (R&D) progress and experience. They also discussed how to carry out research better and how to realize industrialization finally, even facing the new challenges. Dr. Liu Datao, President of Mabwell; Dr. Guo Yinhan, Senior Vice President; Dr. Zhang Jinchao; Dr. Wang Shuhai; Dr. Du Xin, chief scientific officer and over 80 leaders of branches and senior technical and management employees attended the meeting.

Cohesion and speed define the winner

First, President Dr. Liu Data shared the speech with the theme of “Cohesion and speed define the winner”. He reviewed the achievements which were made by us since the “1st science and technology conference” and thanked all the colleagues who had made contributions to the development of the company during this period. Facing the fierce competition in the field of biological medicine, talents and efficiency are indispensable. In the past year, Mabwell has rapidly developed into a group with more than 300 employees, covering the whole industry chain from drug R&D to production. With the efforts of the whole group, Mabwell has exceeded its target set in mid-2018. Our group is taking step towards becoming a leading company in the field of macromolecules in China.

Establish comprehensive project management system to achieve strategic objectives

Senior Vice President Dr. Guo Yinhan gave a speech on “Project management planning”. She mentioned that we need to build a project management system that was unique to Mabwell in order to achieving the five-year plan. Only in that way, our limited resources can be invested in the most important projects.


New molecular discovery team - challenges and responsibilities

Subsequently, vice President Dr. Zhang Jinchao made the theme report of “New molecular discovery team - challenges and responsibilities”. Dr. Zhang Jinchao reviewed the innovative research of biopharmaceuticals in China in the past two years and pointed out that based on the accumulated experience, we had completed antibody drug development platform with international level. Mabwell has confidence to make more innovative research and leading the industry.


During the meeting, the project management department Shared the theme of R&D project application, Antibody drug patent layout strategy and legal risk prevention of technical contract. After that, each business dept. assigned scientific research staff to exchange experience of project management and implementation with specific project cases. These cases allow us to see the achievements of Mabwell colleagues and learn advanced experience in project management.

The theme of the conference is not only a slogan, but it will also be the dominant spirt of the development of Mabwell in the future. Talents as the core competitiveness, low profile, practical and efficient that will guide Mabwell into a new era.
